Blog Posts
A Nativity Feast
From the title you’ve probably gathered that the blog is Christmas-themed and you might be thinking that it’s pretty late. To be fair I have previously kept Christmas trees up way past their due date, but I promise this isn’t like that…
Mister Rogers’ Eyes
Is it just me, or do people always watch the most incredible films on board an aircraft?
I’m going to get over this feeling in no time.
I found myself whispering this line to myself over and over again. The pandemic hit at a difficult time in my life. Of course, the pandemic itself, being what it is, down-right sucked. It's been a time of wrestling for many of us…
Through The Storm
‘Everything happens for a reason’
Every time someone mentioned this phrase to me, I had a sudden urge of wanting to punch them in the face. In that moment, I was struggling, I was in pain and it’s not what I wanted or needed to hear at that moment in time…
Identity crisis: Being not doing
-“Who am I?“
I find myself asking this question often, I suppose as a way of determining my value. As human beings, at our very core we crave to know that we are loved and that we have purpose and value…
The Fino Pitta…
My friend Monica messaged me around 8 months ago to see if I’d be interested in joining her blog-writing venture…